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Friday 7 May 2010


Our target audience is 16 to 26 year olds, we knew this from a survey we did which is further down on the blog. We chose these people as they would be the type of age group that would want to watch the film but would e genuinely entertained by it! This audience are the type that will enjoy being scared and watching thrillers. They will also like to go and see it with their friends!
We attracted our audience by posting our film introduction onto youtube, posting links to it onto social networking sites like twitter and facebook. This gives thousands of people all over the world a chance to watch our film and feedback and comment on it. This is good for us as we can see what people really like about it and things we could do to improve it! We also got friends to watch the film and tell us what they thought this is good as they all liked it and told their friends to watch it on youtube.
Within ten minutes of Charley posting the link to youtube on her twitter we had a response from somebody asking if they could see the rest of the film! This is a really good example of our target audience wanting to see the rest of the film and it is good for us as it shows we did it right!

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