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Friday 7 May 2010

What have you learned about technology's from the process of creating this product?

We have learned that there is a lot more to film making than meets the eye. We had to go through the whole experience of filming editing and getting feedback from our target audience. We were pretty good at the filming aspect of the film but when it came to editing it would be fair to say we had our fair share of problems! Adobe premiere pro was really hard to get to grips with but after a while we did get the hang of it!
Charley did really well in making the soundtrack for the film and she will probably talk about how complicated it was to cut and make sound really good.
At the beginning we didn’t actually realise that it would take so much time to edit and put together! We really didn’t realise that the editing process was so laborious and complicated! I think that we have done really well in the making of this film even though the journey hasn’t been perfect.

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