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Friday 7 May 2010

Representing social groups

Our film represents white women, we have a blonde victim who shows vulnerability and victimisation, this is a common representation of blondes and why we used a blonde girl for our first victim. The blonde will die and this will be another common convention in the thriller genre.
Our second victim will be a brunette, the common representation of brunettes is gutsy, a little ‘tom boyish’ and strong, this is exactly why we used a brunette actress for the second victim as it would be conforming to the common representation of brunette girls and also good for the conventions of a thriller! Our brunette victim will be the fighter, the survivor the one the audience are willing to survive and make it through to the end of the film!
We also have an ‘invisible’ character (the stalker) it is obvious that this person is going to be the ‘antagonist’ of the film. This character is the one that has captured and killed the blonder girl. The only small sign of this character in the start of the film is the door opening and slamming shut off camera. This is indicated by a sound effect and the on screen reaction of the blonde girl!

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