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Tuesday 4 May 2010

Editing AHHHH.

We have filmed everything that we need and now the time has come to edit and make our footage look like a film! I was really exited to edit and see how the film would look, but when it came down to the first day we started to edit and we managed to do the whole of the flashbacks section, but i was so stressed after. editing is really complicated and i was so tired after, nothing seemed to want to work and we couldn't find the right slide transitions for each flashback and we couldn't make them black and white. we managed to put together all of the clips and in the end found a good dissolve to make each clip blend into the next.

We can also see that we will most definately have problems in the future when it comes to putting in the effects for the CCTV camera, and also when we need to do the titles the way we want them.

but putting all of the problems and stress aside i am really glad that we have managed to finish filming and get onto the long and laborious task of editing. i think that we need to just really focus on the editing and crack on with it because then we will have more time in the end to make the film look really good with all the effects and the music!

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