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Friday 7 May 2010

Using, Developing and Challenging Conventions

My film genre is a thriller and me and my group (Abbie and Charley) have tried to incorporate all the major conventions of this genre.
We have used the typical convention with the victim being a blonde girl who ends up dying and the second victim of the film is a brunette who actually manages to survive the crazed killer! We have also used flashbacks which appear right at the start of the film in black and white and with a slight faded quality to them. We are also using cliff hangers and opening up a lot of enigma codes right at the start of the film, this is typical of a psychological thriller as it makes the audience want to watch more and really think about what is going to happen.
We challenged the typical stereotypes of a thriller by using a song at the start of the film with the lyrics explaining what was going through the character on
the screens head, this is challenging the stereotype as it is rarely/never used in a thriller! It is really effective in our film as it makes the audience really sit and watch the flashbacks and connect with the song and what is happening on screen! We where also going to take a big chance and use a voice over instead of song lyrics, this would have been like the voice over of ‘Bella’ in ‘Twighlight’ the point of it would have been for the main character (featured on screen at the start during her flashbacks) would be talking and explaining what is happening in a really cryptic way, this would open up enigma codes and make the audience really listen and want to watch more and more of the film.

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